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"Do what you believe you must and leave the interpreting of it to others" (Andre Malraux)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Censorship? I Hope Not...

I logged in via my IMCPL (Indiana Marion County Public Library) account to iLibrary and subsequently to Academic Search Premiere, looking to see what journals have full texts of issues available online via this system.

While I was excited to discover things like New Orleans Review, Ploughshares, and other literary journals where I'm wanting to send my stories, I'm disappointed by the severe lack of full text for "gay" journals, such as the Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide.

In fact, such content seems so wholly and blatantly lacking, that it makes me wonder if there is deliberate omission and/or censorship occuring. I have asked the reference librarians if they can give me information that might disabuse me of such a notion.

Below is a list from my publications search (subject = gay), where only two of the listed periodicals appear to have full text available, and they are not journals at all but rather of a light, and I would say, of perhaps a more hetero-friendly nature:

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy
Bibliographic Records:01/01/1989 to present

GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian & Gay Studies
Bibliographic Records:01/01/1997 to present

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
Bibliographic Records:01/01/2000 to present

Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide
Bibliographic Records:01/01/2000 to present

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues In Education
Bibliographic Records:01/01/2003 to present

Harrington Gay Men's Literary Quarterly
Bibliographic Records:03/01/2006 to 09/01/2007

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health
Bibliographic Records:01/01/1989 to present

Lambda Book Report
Bibliographic Records:01/01/1995 to 04/01/2009
Full Text:01/01/1995 to 04/01/2009
PDF Full Text; HTML Full Text

James White Review
Bibliographic Records:09/01/2000 to 06/01/2004

Bibliographic Records:09/17/1996 to present
Full Text:09/17/1996 to present
PDF Full Text; HTML Full Text

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Not so much a Block...

I'm having one of those mornings when I'm having trouble getting started writing and I don't know why. I mean, it is not a block as I know what the upcoming scenes are; heck I know what the whole scope of the novel is. It's not initial novel hesitation as I'm well into halfway through.

There is some doubt I know of the story coming out like I want it to. It is a more complicated and darker story than I've written before; I'm conscious of having the right tone. But I also know that if I just start writing the creativity will take care of itself. Words build upon words just as thoughts build upon thoughts.

Yet here instead of doing what I love doing, what I should be doing, what I will feel like a failure all day if I don’t spend at least some time doing, I instead start thinking about: Did I register for paperless billing with account X? How should my Internet toolbar be setup? Do I have holds to pick up at the library?

This and many other things that are important, yes, to one degree or another, but nothing that can't wait. Meanwhile, forget the tick-tock of the passing clock. I'm more concerned about the wasted thump-thumps of my heart that will eventually cease beating while all around the clocks still keep time for someone else.

Maybe it's a form of self-sabotage. Mental suicide with a dull knife of inflicted tedium. A melancholic feeling of inferiority that becomes self-fulfilling. I know the current novel could be great... so maybe it's just the plain old fear -- that never really goes away -- that I lack the means to make it so.

After I post this, I'm going to try, try again to write those pages that I should have already written today.

What else is there besides trying...
except for maybe dying?

Friday, November 4, 2011

IYG Board

Last night I worked at IYG and spoke with the executive director about becoming an IYG board member. She asked me to send her an e-mail with background, interest, etc. I find writing such missives interesting because it causes me to try and boil down "me" in succinct fashion. I think the result turned out decent enough:


Per our conversation last night, this e-mail is to reiterate and formalize my interest in becoming an IYG board member.

My professional background is records management, educational background philosophy, and passion is writing. I have previously served on the board of a local chapter of AIIM (Records Management), as an officer in my alma mater's philosophy club, and as a first reader on the fiction board for Copper Nickel. My significant other and I strive to be agents of change for the better, like with championing the arrival of a day when our 17-year relationship will be legally recognized as the marriage that it is.

I am "out" in all areas of my life, though I think it is probably more accurate to say I am "John" in all areas of my life.

I want to help IYG continue to grow. I see IYG as being not only a resource for youth but as a source of empowered youth ready to take ownership of the world. After all, when it gets down to it, it is their world and us adults are just holding it for them.

Best regards,
John Fox