JD Fox Presents...

Subscribe to me on YouTube

"Do what you believe you must and leave the interpreting of it to others" (Andre Malraux)

Monday, August 27, 2012


Okay, in keeping up with the Russells
:-D -- as if I could ever match my husband's productivity -- :D

I have posted a contact form.

This wasn't particularly easy with my color scheme challenges and tech abilities that sometimes seemed to be either

a) copy/paste and hope it works

b) make a change (and hope it works)

In light of this celebratory occasion, I have created a new g-mail account. I originally was going to use JD Fox, but it was too short. My full name, Johndfox, has already been stolen by some poser who obviously is not John D Fox, or at least not the most important one which is, or should be, me. Same with my writing name, JD Fox, which kinda pisses me off to see jdfox.com taken. etc.

If I ever get famous, I think I will have to exert my new found influence to boot my would be namesake squatters off of what should be cyber reserved for me.

the new e-mail for this is...
Um, I'm not hearing a drum roll, folks..
Okay, that's better.

it is

JD Fox Presents...


So I've been kind of negecting things on the blog update. It sometimes gets semi-overwhelming trying to earn money, work on fiction, keep your social profile updated, and research markets.

Sometimes things overlap, but most of the time it seems like there just isn't enough time in the day to do what all needs to be done, let alone what should also be done and what you would like to get done. Only seem like, though, or course, because there really is time enough, or at least there really is as much in your possession as anyone else has of it.

One of things I have done recently is start making videos. In part inspired by Gary video making, and also in part because I want to practice my speaking abilities with thoughts towards open-mike, which has been somewhere in the back of my mind for a long time.

Towards that end, I've put the link to my You Tube channel in a more prominent place on this blog.