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"Do what you believe you must and leave the interpreting of it to others" (Andre Malraux)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Due to (lack of) funds, I have been repurposing a lot of things lately, such as: An empty Tidycats litter tub is now a kitchen wastebasket and an empty coffee container is now a sugar canister.

Something I've been thinking about a lot, way before the above two examples above, is how we often think of things in static form; we slap a noun on it and it enters some relatively inviolable state of being -- like chair or soul -- until it is no more. But thing X is really only X when we conceive it as X. This isn't to say it stops being X when our focus is elsewhere, but to realize it never "was" an X in the being sense that non-being would imply.

X and not-X are categories of conceptual convenience rather than metaphysical constants.

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